Tracer Study of Health Workers and Alumni in Yogyakarta Health Facilities

07 Jan 2024

To kick off 2024, Polkesyo is launching data collection efforts for health workers across Yogyakarta's health facilities while simultaneously conducting an Alumni Tracer for Polkesyo graduates. This event will be held in the Grand Prambanan Room, Building G, 6th floor, Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. This program is crucial as it addresses the balance between university output and labor market needs. The data collection on health workers who graduated from Polkesyo and are now working in healthcare facilities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Subsequently referred as DIY “Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta”) is a directive from the Minister of Health. During the event, Dr. Iswanto, S.Pd, M.Kes, the Director of Polkesyo, emphasized the Minister's directives to all 38 Polytechnics of Ministry of Health across Indonesia: (1) enhancing graduate quality and education, (2) ensuring health worker availability in the region, and (3) extending the central government's oversight on health transformation policies. Additionally, the Director shared data on the employment of graduates from Polytechnics of Ministry of Health's in government-owned health facilities nationwide.

Representatives from 50 government and private agencies attended this event, including health service facilities in DIY. M. Agus Priyanto, SKM, MKes, the Head of the Human Resources (HR) Division of the DIY Provincial Health Office, served as a resource person, presenting on the current state of health human resources in DIY. He highlighted challenges such as the aging population, demographic shifts leading to increased job competition and stress levels, and the anticipated economic impact of improved accessibility via toll roads. Economic disparities among districts in DIY were also discussed, which contribute to health worker concentration in certain areas. The event concluded with discussions, Q&A sessions, and alumni data collection from Polkesyo working in the invited health facilities.